February 18th, 2020
11:45am – 1pm
(lunch is included)

  • 16 Different ways to partner with the UMW College of Business.
  • How the internship program works at Mary Washington.
  • How your business can benefit from being in a “college town”.

One of the great things about having our businesses here in Fredericksburg is the unique opportunity to work closely with the University of Mary Washington. In this presentation, we’ll be learning more about their internship program, along with 15 other ways small business owners can get involved with the UMW College of Business. From hearing this presentation given last month at FredAlive we can say there are some really unique opportunities for micro-businesses to benefit from the Business program at UMW as well as ways both big and small for us to help these young people learn and grow.

Speaker: Lynne Richardson

Lynne is UMW’s Dean of the College of Business. She began her career at the University of Alabama as a marketing professor and also served as Dean of the Colleges of Business at Mississippi State University and Ball State University.

Lynne holds a Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Alabama. Active in her communities, Lynne is a three-time Rotarian, has served on two United Way Boards, as President of the Birmingham American Marketing Association chapter, and has been a Girl Scout leader in three councils.

In Fredericksburg, Lynne serves or has previously served on the Spotsylvania Medical Health Center Board of Trustees; the Boards of the Riverside Foundation for the Performing Arts, Rappahannock Rotary Club, and Fairy Godmother Project.