Networking done properly is actually very easy.  There really isn’t much to it.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m terrible at it.  If you’ve met me at one of the networking opportunities or groups around Fredericksburg you’re one of the few.  I’m naturally bent towards introversion, and introducing myself to new people feels like first speaking to a girl always did when I was single: terrifying & awkward.

About a year ago, I joined a networking group in the area.  You’re required to attend every meeting.  If you miss, you get a note sent home to your parents.  Or something.  And we meet every week.  Every.  Week.

Now there are a lot of benefits to being in a networking group for businesses in Fredericksburg.  But today’s topic is how networking is simple. So here’s what I’ve finally figured out after a year.  A year of lessons, and opportunities.  Meeting every week and falling on my face over and over again, every week.

What Networking Is Not

Networking is not introducing myself to you.  Networking is not clever questions that pretend interest.  Networking is not listening to what you say while really just thinking about whether you could turn into a customer.  And good networking is almost never even about whether our businesses can share clients.

Networking Is Simple

Networking is about helping you.  Networking is listening to what you do, and to who you are.  Networking is knowing someone you should meet or talk to, and then putting you in touch with them.  Networking is as simple as walking up to you, learning a bit about you, and then introducing you to someone else.  Networking is about helping you connect with other people in the room or other people I know outside the room.  That’s networking.

Networking is not about me.  Networking is about you.