August 20th, 2019
11:45am – 1pm
(lunch is included)

  • The simple but powerful first step to great small business marketing
  • How to do it in 5 minutes or less
  • How it will simplify your marketing

In this interactive presentation Art will show us one simple but incredible tool that will completely change the way you market your micro-business forever – the customer avatar. We’ll learn not only what it is, but also the ways many small business owners get it wrong, and why it is so powerful. To help us get started with this incredible tool quickly, Art is going to then focus on the “instant” or “5 minute” customer avatar.

Speaker: Art Radke

Owner of More Prospects Now (a digital marketing firm) Art Radtke has several decades of experience in the business networking and marketing space. Additionally his business leadership profile includes Owner/Director of the largest region of BNI (an international networking organization), business consultant, and business partner in several other business ventures.