Do you have your website proudly displayed on your business cards and marketing materials, but are having trouble getting customers to come back to your page? Your page could be your primary means for customer access, stepping up your levels of service, and getting things done sooner. Are you reaping these benefits from your website, but still don’t know how to use your Relationship Website as a tool for growing your business?
Previously we discussed how a Relationship Website works from a broader perspective. Today we’re taking a slightly different approach to the subject and discussing how to “work” your Relationship Website, once it’s been built. Below are examples of concepts that should be on the website, or could be used to drive traffic.
Not sure what we mean by a “Relationship Website”? Click here.
Special Offers Each Quarter
It is no secret that people like a deal. Creating an attractive special on a monthly or quarterly basis that can be claimed through your website is an undeniable incentive that can ensure your customers and leads re-engage with your site. More info on a specific product is another great way to get volume and results out of your Relationship Website. The majority of people like to make informed decisions with their money. Having extended information on your products and services on the site can be the difference between a click-through and a conversion.
Publish, Email and Socially Share News & Announcements
Another potentially impactful tactic falls under your news or announcements. This could also be a part of your ongoing Blog efforts. This should be a mixture of industry tips and tricks. For example you could highlight the skills and personality of a new team member, show off a recently wrapped company truck, or extend a “virtual tour” of the new facilities.
Limited Time Promotions
Use the news & announcements list to run competitions for referrals, visits per year or month, etc. You capture a lot of ideas with a short run promotion like this, and say that “any customer that refers us one new customer will receive a hefty prize“. (Be sure to capture who is getting the referral and who are they giving it to.) Remember you need to give a lot away to make it worth it and tempting to your customers. The cost to acquire a customer is sometimes always an expense – so make it a direct referral and it will be well worth it!
Conducting interviews and putting them on your blog is a great way to add value to your Relationship Website. You can interview an expert in the industry, or interview the boss and transcribe that to an article. In fact, this article itself is created by taking a recording and having it reformatted into an article. You will want to focus on people of importance in the area; somebody with a non-profit you support or that is popular in the area – or – your best or most recognizable customer. This subject does not have to be the best paying, but rather the most well-known, the most recognizable, or simply something you personally want to support.
Ultra-short Helpful or Informative Videos
Webinars and videos are also now quite easy to do yourself. 30-second educational clips are enough to add value. It does not have to be long. Some ideas for these web clips include “Meet the Team” and “History of the Company”. If they are short, people will watch them. Videos are a great way to enhance your Relationship Website, and Google will like it. This will ensure that your customer base will get a chance to meet you or see your facilities. You can do this with a smartphone and a 30 dollar tripod. You may prefer to hire a professional, but this is certainly a do-it-yourself option.
Guest Blogs – Leveraging your Relationship Website
Try your hand at a guest blog, while leveraging a referral company. For example, if you are the owner of an HVAC business, and you have a good relationship with a local electrical company, write an article and help them post it on their website. Then both of you can use your email lists, social media, and other connections to get a ton of visibility for you both!
Cross promoting videos, talking about a funny story, or previous relationships are an easy way to warm up to your viewership. Doing this with the referral partner will help you – while adding content, and getting you both customers! Let them know to promote back and circulate this co-created content as well via FaceBook and other means. Even if you get nothing from this effort, it will strengthen your relationship. However, it is common to get at least one referral from these means. The line of thinking is: “The Electrician I trust clearly trusts this HVAC guy – I should give him a try.” After all, one of the big things you are really offering your customer is peace of mind.
Another idea would be to host a luncheon, featuring a speaker, a speaker series, or just a small one-time event. This should relate customers to something you do, your referral partner does, or services for which they were previously DIY. List these events on the website, blast them on social media, use registration forms on the site and collect info for time, date, etc. That gets people on your website, and how they will come to see your logo and recognize your brand.
Recognize Others
A written article of recognition or award is another idea to add to your Relationship Website. If you can, target something you know you are passionate about, or something you know that your customers are passionate about. For example, a safety or crisis-oriented company could…
- Write an article giving recommendations for the safest companies in Fredericksburg. Put this on your website, newsletter, and social media.
- Contact all your selected/recommended companies and conduct a 5 question interview
- Pick the winner for Stafford’s safest outdoor company along with 2 other categories. Put this on your website, newsletter, and social media.
- Deliver an award to their office and personally present it to their leadership. Be sure to record the delivery with a blurb about THEIR company and why they were chosen. Put this video on your website, newsletter, and social media.
Contacting award recipients brings those people to your website. Build relationships with them for more referrals.
8 DIY Ways to Maximize your Website
We hope you can use these ideas to get the most out of your Relationship Website and ultimately get better business. All of these ideas are DIY, and none require a professional’s help. Sometimes as a micro-business you must take the time to do some things yourself so that you can grow and then a few months down the road you can offload this responsibility to someone else.
Most of the tasks surrounding the initial creation and regular upkeep of your Relationship Website are do-it-yourself, but we understand that micro-business owners are required to wear many hats and may be pressed for time. Even if you have a good small business website and it looks clean and professional, we can help you get more from your efforts.
When is it no longer worth sacrificing your personal time to do these things? As soon as you can afford a few dollars to instead entrust a professional company like ours to handle it for you! If you are looking for a local website design and support company in Fredericksburg to trust to create your custom Relationship Website or supporting your business by working your small business website for you, then let’s talk!