If you’re asking yourself this question, most likely you’ve been staring at our Website Packages & Pricing page, scrolling up and down, trying to wrap your mind around the differences, fretting over what’s right for your business and your budget. To make matters worse, everything we offer seems like it would be good for your business. And that’s not by mistake. We designed these website packages with micro-businesses like yours in mind!
The simple truth is that most likely, you should be doing all of these things to one extent or another. But are you?
Let’s take social media for example. What happens when YOU don’t do your posts for next month? You’ll get to it later in the week, right? No one calls to see what’s wrong. No one calls and complains. No payment stops coming in the mail (at least, not right away).
Here’s the funny thing. The second you take that responsibility, put it on someone else’s plate, and attach a payment to it… it gets done and it gets done on time. Funny how that works isn’t it!
So how do you decide which to do yourself and which to entrust to our team? Here are some suggestions to help you decide.
Determine Your Financial Budget
If you can afford to invest $500/month, you might be best off just doing everything. One thing we know with certainty is that micro-business owners are extremely busy people! It happens to me, it happens to all of our clients, and it will happen to you eventually too. You simply cannot do everything.
So if your budget is $500/month, my suggestion is that you just sign up for the “everything bagel” and put our team to work for you. Now, if your budget is $250 or $375 a month, we have some decisions to make.
One Option: Decide Your Weakness
There’s an entire powerful school of thought about embracing your strengths and maximizing them. But whether you believe in it or not, I’ll say this about myself. Work I don’t look forward to doing? It doesn’t get done, and if it does, it certainly doesn’t get done well.
In fact, there seems to be a connection between something I hate doing and something I don’t do well. Like the chicken and the egg, I’m not sure which came first. But wherever one shows up with a task, the next seems to always follow.
Not good at consistently following up with customers and asking for reviews? Overwhelmed by the idea of yet another website to learn to manage? Put Google Starter on the list.
Hate the idea of writing articles about what you do? Put Relationship Builder on the list.
No interest in figuring out how to “do” social media? Put Social Media on the list.
If your budget (see the previous point) is $375/month, then flip this point on its head. Which of these responsibilities most naturally fits your personality or skills. Leave that one on your plate, and then pass the other responsibilities off to us. You can the other assignments over to us as your business grows.
Which Website Package Gives Your Business The Greatest Benefit?
Let’s say you only have a budget of $250/month for this website project. You’re forced to choose just one. Which package gives you the most benefit? Here are some quick suggestions. What we’ve done is ranked each plan based on a brief description of the business.
Major Home Improvements (remodeling, custom homes, etc.): Google Starter > Social Media > Relationship Builder
Seasonal Home Maintenance (landscaping, HVAC, etc.): Relationship Builder > Google Starter > Social Media
Emergency Property Services (plumber, electrician, etc.): Google Starter > Social Media > Relationship Builder
Ongoing Home Services (trash, cleaning, etc.): Google Starter > Social Media > Relationship Builder
Local Business Services (B2B) (accounting, printing, etc.): Google Starter > Relationship Builder > Social Media
Nationwide Business Services (B2B) (coaching, training, etc.: Relationship Builder* > Social Media > Google Starter
Dental or Medical: Google Starter > Social Media > Relationship Builder
Consulting or Coaching: Relationship Builder* > Social Media > Google Starter
Retail to the Consumer (storefront, restaurant, etc.): Google Starter > Relationship Builder > Social Media
NonProfits (charities and churches): Relationship Builder > Social Media > Google Starter
*Usually you should be personally writing articles because your personal expertise is critical. If you have been, then we can use Relationship Builder as an extension tool. Either way, we should probably have a chat.
Can’t find yourself on this list?
I’m sure that the list above is not exhaustive. Or maybe what you read doesn’t make any sense to you. The specifics of your situation may warrant a different plan. We’d love to chat with you and make a personalized recommendation!
Other Options
We can always combine services, or upgrade at a later date. We also offer these great website outreach services for small businesses with an existing website too!