If you own a small business or lead an organization that is considering having a website you might be wondering “what makes a website run?” More likely you’re thinking “after we get a website, how much is it going to cost us every month.” Let’s give you a quick run down on the basics of the operating pieces that make up a website.
Domain Name
First, every website must have a Domain Name. A domain name is something like “WebsitesForAnything.com” or “Fredericksburg.com”. Every domain name is unique and so it must be registered. There are dozens of companies (such as Go Daddy) that offer domain name registration for a nominal annual fee. Once you have a domain name registered, that registration must be pointed to one or more Domain Name Servers (DNS).
Domain Name Servers (DNS)
Most Domain Name Registrars (see the above section) offer Domain Name Servers (DNS) packaged with Domain Registration. But Domain Registration and DNS can be handled separately. The main purpose of DNS is to let you do more than one thing with your Domain Name. For example, if you go to www.WebsitesForAnything.com you will arrive at our website. However, if you go to webmail.WebsitesForAnything.com you will arrive at the website for our email service, which is completely different. In both cases where you arrive is a result of our DNS settings for WebsitesForAnything.com telling your computer where to go.
Web Hosting
Lastly, a website will only run when hosted on a web server. The DNS will tell the users device where to go to find your website. When it gets to that destination, there must be a special computer (server) to run the software, database, and files that make up your website. Not all web sites have the same requirements, and not all servers are the same, so what your website needs will vary. Before you start a new website project make sure to ask your web developer about the requirements of your web site, the speed of their server, and most importantly it’s reliability. Remember that with web hosting, as with everything, you get what you pay for.
Website Hosting In Fredericksburg Virginia
If you still have questions about website hosting, DNS, or domain names, please contact our office in Fredericksburg Virginia. We offer web hosting, e-mail, website design, and website support for small businesses and organizations in Central Virginia and Northern Virginia. Or, post your questions in the comments section below!