Whether building your business website yourself or working with a professional, every leader has this question.  What should I put on the first page of my website?  The first page of your website is extremely important.  Not only is your website often your first impression on a client, but the homepage is usually the first of the first. When deciding what to put on your homepage, ask yourself these questions.

Who is my new arrival audience?

Who is usually coming to your website for the first time?  The homepage is usually your introduction to newcomers and should be completely oriented around them.  Returning visitors or customers are usually willing to spend a few extra seconds going down to the next level.  So focus the homepage of your website on helping newcomers find what they are loooking for.

You have 3 seconds.

The homepage of your homepage should immediately answer there three questions:

  • What you do?  What is your primary service and/or what is your entry-level service or product?
  • Who are you?  Your logo is usually enough, but sometimes you want your physical location or phone number to be prominent.
  • Why are you different?  Also known as “Why choose our company?”, or possibly “Telling your story”.

What are they looking for?

Remember, we’re building a homepage for new arrivals.  Don’t make them dig, show yourself as wanting to help, and having forethought.  Most people are coming to your website in search of something.  They are looking for an answer.  What is the #1 question you get?  What are the #2 and #3 questions that new contacts have for you?  The homepage of your website should answer those succinctly and immediately.  Follow each of those answers with a clear link guiding the curious to other pages with more detailed reponses.  Most people just want a quick, direct answer.  If they need more details, they’ll use those links.

Call To Action

Lastly, have a clear call to action.  You’ve answered their questions.  They’re interested in more.  Now, what do you want these new arrivals to DO?  This really depends on your business and your customer, but it is usually one of three things:

  • Buy a product or place an order
  • Call for an appointment
  • Fill out a form to request more info.

Have a great homepage

If you are getting ready to build a new website, take a few minutes to answer these questions.  Put those answers down on paper!  If you already have a website, you will still benefit from this process.  Don’t look at your website though – consider these questions without the influence of what you already have!

Got questions about this process? Leave us a message below – we’d be happy to help.  Need a second opinion?  We’d be happy to take a look at your site  and let you know how we think you’re doing, for free!