Do The Math

Do The Math

Have a plan & Do The Math. If you want to turn your business into a family affair, do the math.  How much extra business will you need to make sure your grandchildren don’t grow up in your basement? Overwhelmed and ready to hire some help?...
Prioritizing as a Small Business Owner

Prioritizing as a Small Business Owner

Wake up early, brain already churning.  Muse over new ideas over breakfast.  Arrive before anyone, flip on the lights, your computer, the coffee.  Check your e-mail, new problems – no surprise there.  Task your team.  Do some things yourself.  Do a LOT of...
Recommended Reading Fall 2014

Recommended Reading Fall 2014

The neverending battle to improve your business starts with continual education. Although finding chunks of time to set aside can prove an impossible task, sometimes dripping is just as effective. By finding a little bit of time each day to spend learning and...