Do you know what makes a great website great? What makes it become a tool that was worth the time, effort, and cost? What makes potential contacts stick around and engage you further? Every day we are faced with this challenge. While every website is different, and every project gets it’s own emphasis, we’ve identified the 6 critical elements found in the best of them. It’s difficult to say which is most important, but we’ve tried to order them accordingly. In reality, they all must be kept at the forefront. So without further ado, here are the 6 elements that define a great website.

It Is Easy To Use

In today’s world of a million search results in one seconds, your website has just GOT to be easy to use. This one should be really, really obvious. If a potential connection arrives at your website and they can’t find what they are looking for easily, your may miss that opportunity entirely. Make sure your website has clear navigation and structure. Put the most important things to newcomers first on the screen. And test everything! The only thing worse than not being able to find what you want is clicking ‘Read More’ and getting an error.

It Provides Valuable Content

This is one area that we see many businesses and organizations severely under-valuing. The ability for prospects (and customers) to come to your website and find answers to their questions holds almost immeasurable value. In fact, we would say that if you’re not providing valuable content, you’re headed towards extinction because one of your competitors is. The thing is, providing valuable content is really not that hard. In fact the longer you’ve been in your business, the easier this should be. It just takes a commitment to setting aside the time to do it. There isn’t space here detail content ideas, that’s will be a post of it’s own, but feel free to call and ask us for some suggestions particular to your business!

It Has An Engaging Design

Making the right impression is probably just a smidge less important than having something worthwhile to say. The best websites take all that content and present it in style! You give your team uniforms, decorate your storefront, and even wrap your vehicles… and your on-line presence should be the same. Often times your website is a prospects very first interaction with your group or company. It’s your first impression! Make sure it’s a great one by putting your best foot forward with a professional look that matches your branding. And never forget the importance of perceived value.

It Is Search Engine Optimized

SEO. It goes without saying that even a user-friendly, content rich, pristinely designed website isn’t worth a nickel if no one ever sees it. Did you know there are two types of Search Engine Optimization, on-site and off-site? We’ll have to go into the differences between them later. If you’ve got the best content in the world and it’s not properly optimized for search engines On-Site, then your site is definitely falling short of it’s potential. Proper on-site SEO is the first step towards making a proper splash in the marketplace.

It Utilizes Interactive Features

Now Features is a very broad term. It means something quite different for every type of business. But suffice it to say that features are what make your site a WEB site, and not just a digital brochure. Sure it’s good to have a Contact Us form, but what about a dramatic, attractive slideshow? Pull people in with your Facebook feed right on your website, or rotating testimonials. How about adding a Job Application or Financing Inquiry? Live Chat Support, Community Forums, Instant Quote Calculator, and so much more. The possibilities are endless, and utilizing the right features can really increase the value of your website to a client.

It’s First and Final Ingredient is Clarity

Lastly, you need all these things to come together with cohesion and clarity. Before you start working on your new website, or as you dive into revamping an outdated one, take the time to establish clearly the purpose of the website. Keep that mission in the forefront of the other five areas and the site will be much more unified. When the site is simple to use, the right content will be easy to find. The appearance of the site will support & enhance your message and you’ll know who exactly you’re targeting with SEO. As the features are added in to bring the whole thing together, the purpose and pride you put into your website will be clear.

There You Have It

So those are the foundational pieces of an excellent website. How is your website doing? It all one cohesive unit? Have you had anyone test it for usability? Does the style of the website match the style of your organization? Is the content on your site accurate, useful, and optimized for search engines? Are there features that engage leads and help them become clients? If you’re interested in having a professional take a look at your website we’d be happy to provide you with a detailed, hands-on analysis of your website.

Please, leave a comment if you have follow-up question or want to share your own ideas for the top elements of a great website.