Pay Now Button Setup

Start collecting payments NOW!

Using your PayPal account, we’ll set up a “Pay Now” button for you on your website. We’ll even add a “Pay Online” link to your email signature too! (That’s a $160 value!)

  • We’ll create a “Pay Now” button for you using your PayPal account.
  • We’ll setup that “Pay Now” button on your website.
  • We’ll also put a link to your “Pay Online” button in your email signature.

That’s a $160 value available right now for only $1!


What About Security?

We take your website security and your business security very seriously. We know that you’re trusting us with sensitive information. For your security, we can do the entire process securely through screen-sharing while you watch. This ensures that you can see our every move, and it also means that we never see any of your passwords.

Another time-saving option is that you can just call in your passwords and then change them after we’re done. (Please don’t ever email a password.) Whatever you’re comfortable with, we’re here to help.


Why this incredible offer?

  • We know first-hand how frustrating it can be for a small business owner to deal with chasing payments.
  • We want to help you out with something small that can make your life better in a big way!
  • We want the opportunity to show you how much better life can be when you can trust our friendly, professional team with your website challenges and goals!